Tuesday, November 8, 2016


                            ELECTION 2016 HISTORY

Today we will all venture out to our Polling Places and cast our votes. I sincerely hope that we all take time to PAUSE and let our minds take us back to the beginning. Let our Hearts and Minds remember the things that upset us the most. There has been so much that has transpired during this Election Year that many of us have been spun around and around. Hearing one thing after another. However, we can not deafen our ears to what they have heard. We cannot close our eyes to the things we have seen. For those of you who are having difficulties making up you minds, spend that time reflecting back on Every Thing. The Primaries and all of the calamity that occurred during this time. Remember how other's reacted to things that were said and done. This election year has caused many people to lose friends, get angry with their families, and have actually left their churches because their beliefs differed from many in their congregation. THINK ABOUT THAT! America is not easy. It demands that we ask those who are going to be in charge of our Nation important questions. It is OUR RESPONSIBILITY of us to ask questions. This is OUR NATION. The WHITE HOUSE IS OUR HOUSE. Even though we choose those who lead our Great Nation, it is WE THE PEOPLE that they work for. We must decide if we want a Nation that continues to Love, Respect, and show RESPECT for ALL OF IT'S CITIZEN'S. Having said this, we must also remember that no one person is a mountain and can not make decisions solely on their own. Politics has ALWAYS BEEN a PARTY OF INDIVIDUALS, made up of other individuals that WE THE PEOPLE vote for. People that we expect, demand to work with whom ever we choose to lead our Nation. If we do not take the time to think about all of these things prior to voting, we have let ourselves down. Look at who you are voting for. In this day and age, we can by use of our Internet learn about these individuals. NO ONE should vote for ANYONE simply by what they say on a stage in front of an audience. We must look at these individuals beyond the crowds of people who gather to hear them speak. However, do we truly know them? I have NEVER met either party. However, I can do my homework and look them up on this here computer and learn a lot about their character, their contributions to our society, their beliefs and about their lives which are well documented if you just investigate them by looking them up. I have investigated many and must say, the picture of a few is not a pretty one. Not someone who I feel like will represent our Nation as one of Unity, Respect, and the Love of God and his Love for us all. We can not lose our core values simply to the voices crying out that they are the best choice for us. So where does this leave us? This is my opinion. Mine alone. One that I have spent a lot of time thinking about. And this is what I know as FACT. It has been 8yrs that we have had President Obama. And from the very beginning of his Presidency, his has met will many adversaries who wanted nothing but to bring him down. And he knew this. Opinions were based on his name. His color. And many other things. The one thing that I know as an absolute certainty. Our Congress are the ones who push the Policies and Issues forward for the President. We have for the last 8yrs seen a Congress that has in every way Blocked, and done many other things to show this President that he was not getting past them. Is this what we want in our Congress? A Congress that has repeatedly refused to work for THE PEOPLE. All because of their PERSONAL AGENDA'S. We must have a Congress that is willing to WORK. This Congress has shut down our Government, which has cost the hard working tax payers of this Nation billions of dollars. This has been the first Congress that I have known in all the years that I have been a voting American, that has refused to work for the AMERICAN PEOPLE. If this does not infuriate you, then you truly don't care about the Democracy of this Great Nation. I can remember easier times when both the Democrats and Republicans could reach across the aisle FOR THE PEOPLE. Knowing that their ONE RESPONSIBILITY was to do what was in the best interest of this GREAT NATION. If you are old enough to remember, we have all seen hard times and good times. However, over this 8yrs, this has gotten lost in the animosity of each party unwilling to reach out across that narrow aisle to do what is RIGHT. We deserve, DEMAND BETTER. Anyone who is not willing to do what is in the best interest of it's Nation, then we do not need them. This Election will affect the Lives of OUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN. We have already heard from the GOP that they will do EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER TO BLOCK ONE CANDIDATE IF ELECTED. They have already set their goals NOT FOR THE PEOPLE THEY REPRESENT, but rather for their own continued Animosity. This is NOT DEMOCRACY. Our children have been listening. And yes, words do matter. They have sadly witnessed their families and others argue over either the Candidates, or their ears have heard the countless venom being spewed over phone calls and other activities. This is NOT WHAT WE ARE ABOUT. I Pray that when this Election is over, each of us will sit our children down and teach them that this IS NOT THE NORM. Teach them what Democracy Truly Is. Teach them about Respect and Love for their neighbor, their Friends and the Love of God who know matter how this Election Play's out, They have a GOD who is much Bigger than anyone else. Restore in them the Values and Morals that as Human Beings is RIGHT. We can not erase what they have already heard and witnessed. However, we as Parents, Grandparents and other Loved Ones, teach them the things that will make them Proud to be an AMERICAN irregardless of their Race, Color, or Creed. Then, we need to Pray that we live our lives in a way that will inspire our Children. Their not on any Ballot, but their lives are. 
                                                             GOD BLESS AMERICA!

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